Cameco Updates Sustainable Development Report

All, June 3, 2013

Cameco (TSX: CCO; NYSE: CCJ) released an update today to its sustainable development report, providing 2012 data for all 31 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) indicators and four indicators unique to the corporation.

"By releasing this update, we are ensuring that our stakeholders receive timely and relevant data on our key environmental and social indicators" said president and CEO Tim Gitzel. “This information is part of our commitment to continual improvement when it comes to sustainable development reporting and we’re proud of the results.”

Some highlights from the update include:

  • Over $600 million spent on services from local service providers, including over $450 million from northern Saskatchewan companies
  • Zero significant environmental incidents for the third consecutive year
  • Lowest lost-time injury rate in company history
  • Continued high levels of support in locations where we operate, including a 10% increase in support in northern Saskatchewan.

The updated 2013 GRI Index can be viewed at

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Investor inquiries:   
Cory Kos  
(306) 956-8176

Media inquiries:   
Rob Gereghty   
(306) 956-6190