Cameco Updates Sustainable Development Report

All, August 7, 2015

Cameco (TSX: CCO; NYSE: CCJ) released an update today to its sustainable development report, providing 2014 data for all 33 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) indicators and three indicators unique to the corporation.

The update shows how Cameco performed against key indicators that measure social, environmental and economic impacts. The data was gathered using GRI 3.1 reporting standards and the G3 Mining Supplement.

Some highlights from the update include:

  • Zero significant environmental incidents for the fifth consecutive year;
  • Lost-time injury rate for both employees and contractors remains low and better than industry average;
  • Continued high levels of public support in locations where we operate;
  • A net increase to local hiring in northern Saskatchewan;
  • Local spending of almost $400 million on services from suppliers near our operating sites; and
  • Significant improvement in corporate governance rankings to 8th out of 247 companies and a score of 94.

The updated 2015 GRI Index can be viewed here.

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Investor inquiries:   
Rachelle Girard  
(306) 956-6403

Media inquiries:   
Carey Hyndman   
(306) 956-6317