Crow Butte Earns Highest Safety Honor
All, August 27, 2012
Crow Butte has earned the Mary-Jean Mitchell Green Award for safety performance, Cameco Corporation's highest annual safety honor among its global operations.
"We are committed to safe, clean and reliable operations, and I'm proud to say that Cameco Resources is leading by example," said Cameco Corporation CEO Tim Gitzel . "I'd like to thank our employees for their dedication."
The award is named for one of Cameco's original board members, who died in 1990 at the young age of 38. Cameco Corporation Board Chairman Vic Zaleschuk presented the award to employees and contractors at Crow Butte, which has marked more than five years without a lost-time injury.
"Mary-Jean had a long family history of business interests in the coal industry and she was keenly interested in issues related to industrial safety," said Vic. "She was also deeply committed to advancing the health and safety interests of employees. Winners of this award reflect the values that were so important to Mary-Jean."
"Making sure that everyone goes home safely is the most important thing we do," said Gitzel, "and I applaud Crow Butte's outstanding leadership in that area."